106 Intimacy Exercise: Kissing Games and Tantric Kissing

Exercise: Kissing Games

Try kissing games where one tries to stimulate the other by kissing a part of the body.

Choose a particular part for example the knee or the upper arm or the side of the neck.

Spend time kissing it starting with the softest of kisses, stroking it with your tongue, and trying the effect of deep kisses sucking on the area of skin. Your partner will respond. Watch the response.

Now swap over and the other does the kissing of the same area.

Now discuss how it felt and any particular areas or techniques that were pleasurable.

Exercise: Tantric Kissing

Learning to kiss tantric style is different. It can be very enjoyable and some women say that they feel tantric kissing is almost more intimate than sexual union itself. Tantric kissing is done with full sustained lip contact, and bringing your full attention to your lips. Focus your whole being on the kiss and the contact between you. Now stay like that with the lips almost fused together in a relaxed sensual fashion. You stay like that breathing in and out through your nose, sharing your breaths, feeling your intimate connection. This kiss can last for minutes or even hours. Tongues are usually not used in tantric kissing, no entry to the other’s mouth, perhaps just a light brushing against their lips.

This all needs practice and will not work if your nose is blocked or you cannot get both of you into a comfortable position in advance. It may take time to learn to relax into a kiss in this way, but when you do the sharing and the experience can be electrifying.

This is something you should discuss in advance, otherwise your partner will not know what you are attempting to do, and not know how you want them to respond. Think about it, try it, you might like it.

As in all forms of intimate contact between yourself and a partner it is not what you do, but why you do it, and how you do it that matters. If you remain mindful of your partner at all times, especially when you are kissing them you will be able to note their response and respond to it in turn, and the whole action becomes ever more intimate.

For the woman the experience of a deeply satisfying kiss is so good and for the man it can be equally so. Regular kissing in the morning on waking, just before sleep, and at all other times you can helps to build the intimacy that both crave from the relationship.

For the man who has embraced male chastity, and whose partner holds his key to release, learning to kiss well and satisfy her in this opens the door to her pleasure and perhaps his release as well. Both satisfied; both feeling a close intimate bonding; both may want to take things further.

Books could be written about how to kiss well and satisfy your partner, books with explicit illustrations to tell you what to do. These can help but what matters most of all is being in tune with your partner, mindful of all her needs, desires and aspirations, and going gently exploring how to give both of you pleasure. This applies not just to kissing and cuddling but to all aspects of your life together as you reintroduce intimacy in all its forms in your adventure into building an intimate life and lifestyle together.

If She wants it, the whole of her body is there to kiss and caress.

105 Kissing the Feet

The sight of a man bent over, kissing the feet of his beloved is very empowering to the woman. She sees him adoring at her feet, kissing her feet and showering them with lots of little kisses. He will find that so many areas of the feet are sensitive to kisses, particularly the instep and the ankles, and some women like their toes kissed or even sucked by their partners.

The only worries are that the kiss may touch a sensitive area and lead to an involuntary movement so the man is kicked, or that it is too ticklish. Obviously ideally the feet to be kissed are best clean and washed and not too sweaty, but for some the feet are an erotic zone no matter their state.

In cultures where most of the body is covered the ankles are often seen as supremely sexy and kept covered up to prevent exciting men too much. For some kissing the feet is extended to kissing the shoes or boots which cover the feet.

Kissing the feet and ankles can of course often lead onto kissing the calves, legs, and thighs and even higher up as part of an extended love making. Here taking time to enjoy kissing each part in turn and not rushing can give pleasure. Although the sight of a man on his knees kissing his partner’s feet could be taken as a sign of his submission to her, it is also a sign of how he wishes to give her pleasure in every conceivable way, and to show that he loves every inch of her from top to bottom. Such foot kissing can be accompanied by any other care of her feet, a foot rub, massage, or just holding her feet and keeping them warm.

All of this can be such an intimate act, whether done whilst she is resting on the couch, with her feet up on a footstool or even on arrival home in the evening, when kneeling to kiss your partner’s feet show that you are truly there for her and there for her needs and desires.


Encouraged to rise from the kneeling position the man can then be encouraged further to kiss other areas and to become more intimate in kissing and giving pleasure, but kissing the feet can be a good place to start.


Michael has been Mary’s partner for some time, and they tended to greet each other without touching on meeting. Now Michael has discovered that Mary likes to have her feet kissed and touched and for him to kneel before her when he comes home, and to kiss her feet. He stays there at her feet until she tells him to rise, and whilst he is there all the cares of the day slip from him, as he knows where he is and what he is doing.

When she allows him to stand he knows he is truly home, and is free to serve and adore his partner. Sometime she lets him do the same thing in the morning before he goes to work. For her this is pleasure and fun; for him it is a profound and intimate action that shows he puts himself totally before her and that her pleasure is his priority first on arriving home.


This has the effect of freeing him for the evening ahead, and even if everything is mundane, that simple act of homage and pleasure has set the tone for their time together. He puts himself in her hands knowing that all will be well, and that he wants to do this, as a sign of his love for her. By accepting it and then getting him to rise and kiss her on the lips she shows her acceptance and love of him in all ways. Together for them this simple act is a celebration of intimacy even though it takes only a few seconds or a minute or two.

You might find it fun to kiss the feet of your partner and She might like it as well as long as you do not tickle her with your kisses. Give it a try!

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Re-Introduction to Intimacy:a Workbook for couples: Part 2: Learn the skills; Become Expert and Fulfilled

Re-Introduction to Intimacy: A Workbook for Couples (Re-Introduction to Intimacy A workbook for couples)


Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man: Part 1: Build the Foundations; making male chastity work for you


Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man: Part 2. Learn the skills : Become Expert and ready for Intimacy

Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man (Re-Introduction for the single man)

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104 Intimacy Exercise: Kissing the Hands

In the past a woman would not allow herself to be kissed on the lips except by the most intimate of friends or even only by her partner. Even kissing on the cheeks was unusual. Kissing the back of the hand was the preferred greeting. The man was expected to bend forward whilst the woman put out the hand to be kissed, and the man would then lightly brush the back of her hand with his lips.

This was a very formal type of greeting, and used in formal occasions still, when a diplomat who is to be presented to the Queen is said to be visiting to “kiss hands” even though it may be more often a handshake that is what actually happens.

Hand kissing has left the mainstream as a way of greeting, so it is now much more available as an intimate way to kiss your partner. There are just so many nerve endings and so many parts you can kiss, and it flows easily form holding hands to kissing hands to more intimate acts.

You can kiss the back of the hand, the tips of the fingers, the fingers and draw one into your mouth to touch with your tongue. You can kiss the palm of the hand or the inside of the wrist. All are possible and you can use them all to be intimate. A simple kiss on the hand can say so much, and be so intimate.

Exercise: Hand kissing practice

This may seem a silly exercise, but it is the reason you are doing it and how you do it that matters much more than what you actually do. You are doing it to discover how to give pleasure to your partner, and to find out what they like you to do, and how they want you to do it.

Sit close to each other and hold hands.

Look at each others hands in silence.

Now kiss your partners hand, holding your lips on the back of the hand for 10 seconds, brushing the tips of the fingers with your lips, kissing the palm , and kissing the inside of the wrist one after another, with a few seconds pause between each site. Now your partner does the same for you.

Afterwards you sit in silent reflection for at least a couple of minutes.

Now the woman starts by asking the man what it felt like to have his hand kissed, which may be something that he has not experienced before. Then she described what it felt like for her, and asks what it felt like to do the kissing.


This will give both partners and idea of what it feels like and which parts of the hands are most sensitive to touch with the mouth, and further discussion and most importantly practice will allow hand kissing to become yet another way for the couple to be intimate together.

103 Kisses

For many men, kissing and sex are the only things they have considered as intimate. I hope that these blog posts and your reading of my book and course will have shown you that this is not the case and that intimacy comes from everything in your life.

Even though so many things can give intimacy, kissing a partner is still one of the most intimate things you can do. Here are some ideas.

We have all been kissed, in greeting, in parting, and as a more intimate action as well. We learn to apply our lips fleetingly to the cheek of a favorite friend, or to air kiss the air close to them but not touching. In many societies failure to exchange kisses on meeting someone is taken as an insult, and this applies just as much to men as women. Here it is not “sexual” kissing but a kiss of recognition and no more.

Most of us have also experienced more sexually charged kisses, often no more than the brush of the lips on ours, but if it is first kiss with someone we are attracted to even a fleeting contact may feel so intimate. Some kisses are so close that the whole mouth is involved, with tongues darting into the other’s mouth.

Some of these were so exciting, but others felt horrible, with a tongue invading where it was not wanted, or a kiss from someone whose mouth and lips tasted as if they were foul, bad breath, poor dental hygiene and too much pressure. This is definitely a turn off rather than a turn on and feels more like a violation than an intimacy.

There are so many parts of the body which can be kissed; indeed the whole body can be used to show your love and adoration. Mostly people concentrate upon the lips or may kiss the genitals as part of oral sex, but miss out on so many areas of the body.

Before you kiss your partner, or indeed anyone there are some very simple considerations which are often forgotten. You should make sure that your lips are clean and not cracked or infected with cold sores or any other skin infection.

You want to make sure that your mouth is clean and your teeth are clean also, otherwise the person you kiss may not really taste you just the food you had to eat several hours ago. Dental hygiene is essential, for if your teeth are rotten and your gums infected you will taste foul, and your breath will smell in addition. If you have been eating onions or lots of garlic or spices the taste will be in your mouth and in your breath for hours afterwards. If someone is close enough for you to kiss and you have bad breath or a bad body odor you will repel them.

These may seem to be such obvious issues which can be so easily dealt with, but they are often forgotten, and forgetting these sorts of things is enough to put your partner off any intimacy with you. For a single man who seeks a relationship having a clean mouth with fresh breath and clean lips is a situation which will not repel potential partners, but any failure in this area will drive people away so fast.

For a man in a relationship who is seeking to restart in his relationship these are stumbling blocks which are so obvious, but the partner may not feel they can mention them due to embarrassment.

So the message is clear; be prepared with a clean mouth and fresh breath before you try to initiate a kiss. In addition find out if your partner wants you clean shaved or not. A stubbly beard may look romantic, but can have the consistency of sandpaper, and if you are potentially going to be kissing sensitive areas then you need to know how she wants you, clean shaven or not.

Kissing the lips and face

Social kissing on greeting someone is usually on the face not the lips, but if you know someone well then a kiss on the lips may be what they like. Find out what someone expects and do it. If greeting means just shaking hands then a kiss on both cheeks may seem too intimate. If cheek kissing is expected then shaking hands will seem like far too little.

If you do kiss on the lips be guided by the person you are kissing and the environment. If you are in public then a passionate long kiss may not be appropriate whereas a soft touch on the lips may be what is wanted. If you are in private and it is a “first “ kiss then the same is also true, and if you are pushy and press tightly against their lips and try to stick your tongue in their mouth the person you are kissing may not like it. As always be mindful of what you are doing and the person you are doing it with and be lead by them.

Even if you are kissing them passionately, hard pressure, or constant movement, or tongues going in and out of their mouth, may not be what they want. It looks all very well in films and the media and in fiction, but a slow soft prolonged kiss with your lips touching theirs for a minute of more may be more erotic than all the movement and touching them with your tongue.

Be lead by your partner, and never more than when you are thinking of using your tongue. Be lead by them, and let their tongue enter your mouth first before you risk invading their private space.

Make all the movements delicate and not forceful, and see what happens and how the person you are kissing behaves. If they want more action they will show it by the way they behave, and you can suit your actions to what they indicate they want. If you are the person who has just been given a passionate kiss, and it was good, let them know it was good and you want more. As the recipient of the kiss you should have control and indicate how you want it to develop.

Kissing your partner or a friend should be good for both of you, unforced, natural and pleasure for both. Think first and do not assume you know how to be good at kissing. The person who is best at it is the person who pays attention to their partner in the kiss.

98 Intimacy All the Time

The previous post discussed ways to increase intimacy in the morning on getting up.

The same approach can be taken for getting breakfast with the man making sure the table is set before he goes to bed and that the kettle is boiled and his partner offered a drink before he leaves in the morning.

If they have time he can prepare he breakfast and serve it, or wash up and put away. If there is less time there is still time to give a kiss before leaving and to find out if anything needs to be done or obtained before he returns home.

In the evening there are so many things to do, preparing and eating a meal, clearing up and tidying everything away, and preparing to go to bed and getting there. The man should look at all the tasks that need doing and they should work out how to get both taking their share, which will mean the man doing more than he has done before.

If she baths first he can run it for her, and she may allow him to wash her back in the bath or shower and to dry her afterwards. He can make sure that the bedroom is ready and tidy, and clothes tidied away or put out for washing and can turn down her bed ready for her.

Before she settles he should kiss her goodnight, thus making the day a period between the first kiss of the day and the last. If she goes to bed before him he should make sure she is not disturbed by his music or noise after she has gone to settle.

This approach will lead to the man and the woman seeing intimacy and sharing becoming part of every aspect of their lives.

This is the object of restarting intimacy, not just great sex, though that comes too but intimacy in everything you do together and for each other.

110 Tantric sex

In the tantric approach to sex and intimacy, keeping still is more important than movement. Tantric kissing involves close contact with the whole of your partner’s lips for long periods, just being together in closeness, breathing together and sensing the presence of the other.

In tantric sex, time becomes unimportant, and the whole period can take hours. Touching and being close to your partner is the key. Touching each other, lubricating each other, and then inserting the penis before it is even fully aroused is the common approach.

The connection at a mental level that comes from the connection of the two bodies physically gives pleasure. Once the penis is inserted into the vagina there is no thrusting, no hard movement, but more a quiet rocking back and forth, which excites both and can lead to orgasm.

The aim for the man is to delay orgasm, and not to strive to do much, rather to enter a state of being. For the woman the aim is to reach a whole body orgasm, and not to concentrate on the clitoris at all. This is all different from normal kissing and sex, where the importance of the clitoris is so great, and this is how most women reach orgasm.

Despite all these differences and the need to study to be able to perform tantric sex, with many books suggesting courses and retreats may be necessary to be able to deliver orgasms to each other, and the other elements of tantric thought which emphasise the magnetic pull of the bodies together, and the need for meditation and lack of emotion, many couples find this approach to sex enlightening. It is an approach which can give greater pleasure to both partners.

Some elements of the approach can also be used in more traditional sex, particularly the emphasis on taking time, and being close to your partner.

Tantric style kissing can be an effective way to relax into the act of kissing and realise the need to kiss so as to give the greatest pleasure to the other.

The emphasis on being connected, with the penis in the vagina and not moving fits with the need to stop hard and powerful movements and to prolong the sex before male ejaculation occurs.

The insertion of the semi aroused penis into the vagina allows those with poor penile expansion, or problems of lack of erection to bond together. The delay in male ejaculation, or even sex without male ejaculation, allows relaxation now that the process of pleasing your partner is the core, and ejaculation is no longer the only goal. This can help with those men who have problems of premature ejaculation, or difficulty in reaching ejaculation. Once such worries are no more they will find that the problems may disappear and will become much less important.

Tantric sex requires a high level of intimacy and intimacy gives pleasure to both.

So experiment with the tantric approaches, see if they work for you and if you want to explore further consider getting a book or taking a course. For a couple practice where they learn to touch, to be close, and to relish every part of each other’s body can do nothing but good, even if some of the philosophy underlying the approach does not appeal or the techniques not work for them.

For many women the lack of involvement in the clitoral stimulation which they know brings them to orgasm is a problem. But there is no reason to use only one method when practicing intimacy in sex if other approaches are also needed.

The aim of both partners should always be to be fully mindful of the other, and to seek pleasure in giving pleasure to them. It may be that you could start with tantric kissing, then cuddling, then oral sex so that the woman has an orgasm, and then move into more tantric themed penetration and take it all from there.

This is something to savor, to enjoy, and to reflect upon, always finding ways to increase the pleasure of your partner and hence your own. For some people this whole approach can be very liberating.

108 Oral Sex for Her

The giving of oral sex to a woman is a splendid way to give her pleasure, but like all skills it needs to be learned, and as the way to give pleasure is slightly different with different women, the need is for the man to learn from his partner.

She knows what pleases her, or she discovers it as he pleasures her, and she can lead him to move and position himself and his mouth to give her the maximum pleasure. Any woman who can reach orgasm with masturbation or a vibrator can reach a clitoral orgasm; she only needs to teach her partner how she wants it for him.

There are a number of very simple issues which need to be addressed

  • A stubbly beard may act like sandpaper and be uncomfortable. Check if you need to be clean shaven.
  • Good mouth and teeth hygiene, and lips without sores or infections are required
  • Make sure both partners are comfortable
  • Take your time, the more you rush the less effective you will be

For the man it is a privilege to be allowed to give oral sex to his partner. It is such an intimate act, and he needs to want to do it. The principles described by Ian Kerner in his book “She comes First” are a good description of the factors that apply.

  • Going down on her turns you on; you enjoy it as much as she does
  • There is no rush! She has all the time in the world; you want her to savor every moment
  • Her scent is provocative to you, and her taste is powerful! It all emanates from the same beautiful essence which is hers
  • Give of yourself seriously, generously, and with your whole heart
  • Be patient, respectful, sensitive, and tender in all your actions
  • Postpone your gratification in the pursuit of mutual pleasure

As in all the areas of intimacy described the same basics apply:

  • Be mindful of your partner and her needs, desires and aspirations
  • Listen to her as she tells you what she wants you to do and how to do it
  • Discover what works for her and gives her pleasure
  • Do not rush and take your time

If you follow these rules then you will be able to deliver her a satisfying orgasm time after time. She will gain pleasure for what you do and you will be pleased you can do this for her.

If you both need assistance in what to do there are a range of books, videos and on line guides just as for so many tasks in life. You can use outside assistance to learn to tie a tie, or to do the cleaning or to iron a shirt, and there are sources to help you with even the most intimate acts as well.

As always practice improves performance, especially if there is reflection afterwards to see how things could be made better.

Some couples find that the use of a vibrator can assist in providing the woman with an orgasm, and here you need to experiment to find out what to do to produce the best effects

It can take a man time to learn how she wants it, but after training and with the desire to please he can bring her to orgasm most of the time, and as she likes it so she will want it often. She comes first is his mantra, and his approach. He wants her to have all the pleasure possible, and to make sex as intimate and pleasurable as it can be.

Because he has been able to be mindful of her needs and desires, and to listen as she has taught him what to do they now work well together, and he can deliver day after day after day. No rush, no pressure, just pleasure and yet more pleasure.

She Comes First
She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide to Pleasuring a Woman [Kindle Edition]

She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide to Pleasuring a Woman [Paperback Edition]

106 Kissing games and tantric kissing

Exercise: Kissing Games

Try kissing games where one tries to stimulate the other by kissing a part of the body.

Choose a particular part for example the knee or the upper arm or the side of the neck.

Spend time kissing it starting with the softest of kisses, stroking it with your tongue, and trying the effect of deep kisses sucking on the area of skin. Your partner will respond. Watch the response.

Now swap over and the other does the kissing of the same area.

Now discuss how it felt and any particular areas or techniques that were pleasurable.

Tantric Kissing

Learning to kiss tantric style is different. It can be very enjoyable and some women say that they feel tantric kissing is almost more intimate than sexual union itself. Tantric kissing is done with full sustained lip contact, and bringing your full attention to your lips. Focus your whole being on the kiss and the contact between you. Now stay like that with the lips almost fused together in a relaxed sensual fashion. You stay like that breathing in and out through your nose, sharing your breaths, feeling your intimate connection. This kiss can last for minutes or even hours. Tongues are usually not used in tantric kissing, no entry to the other’s mouth, perhaps just a light brushing against their lips.

This all needs practice and will not work if your nose is blocked or you cannot get both of you into a comfortable position in advance. It may take time to learn to relax into a kiss in this way, but when you do the sharing and the experience can be electrifying.

This is something you should discuss in advance, otherwise your partner will not know what you are attempting to do, and not know how you want them to respond. Think about it, try it, you might like it.

As in all forms of intimate contact between yourself and a partner it is not what you do, but why you do it, and how you do it that matters. If you remain mindful of your partner at all times, especially when you are kissing them you will be able to note their response and respond to it in turn, and the whole action becomes ever more intimate.

For the woman the experience of a deeply satisfying kiss is so good and for the man it can be equally so. Regular kissing in the morning on waking, just before sleep, and at all other times you can helps to build the intimacy that both crave from the relationship.

For the man who has embraced male chastity, and whose partner holds his key to release, learning to kiss well and satisfy her in this opens the door to her pleasure and perhaps his release as well. Both satisfied; both feeling a close intimate bonding; both may want to take things further.

Books could be written about how to kiss well and satisfy your partner, books with explicit illustrations to tell you what to do. These can help but what matters most of all is being in tune with your partner, mindful of all her needs, desires and aspirations, and going gently exploring how to give both of you pleasure. This applies not just to kissing and cuddling but to all aspects of your life together as you reintroduce intimacy in all its forms in your adventure into building an intimate life and lifestyle together.

If She wants it the whole of her body is there to kiss and caress.

105 Kissing the feet

The sight of a man bent over, kissing the feet of his beloved is very empowering to the woman. She sees him adoring at her feet, kissing her feet and showering them with lots of little kisses. He will find that so many areas of the feet are sensitive to kisses, particularly the instep and the ankles, and some women like their toes kissed or even sucked by their partners.

The only worries are that the kiss may touch a sensitive area and lead to an involuntary movement so the man is kicked, or that it is too ticklish. Obviously ideally the feet to be kissed are best clean and washed and not too sweaty, but for some the feet are an erotic zone no matter their state.

In cultures where most of the body is covered the ankles are often seen as supremely sexy and kept covered up to prevent exciting men too much. For some kissing the feet is extended to kissing the shoes or boots which cover the feet.

Kissing the feet and ankles can of course often lead onto kissing the calves, legs, and thighs and even higher up as part of an extended love making. Here taking time to enjoy kissing each part in turn and not rushing can give pleasure. Although the sight of a man on his knees kissing his partner’s feet could be taken as a sign of his submission to her, it is also a sign of how he wishes to give her pleasure in every conceivable way, and to show that he loves every inch of her from top to bottom. Such foot kissing can be accompanied by any other care of her feet, a foot rub, massage, or just holding her feet and keeping them warm.

All of this can be such an intimate act, whether done whilst she is resting on the couch, with her feet up on a footstool or even on arrival home in the evening, when kneeling to kiss your partner’s feet show that you are truly there for her and there for her needs and desires.

Encouraged to rise from the kneeling position the man can then be encouraged further to kiss other areas and to become more intimate in kissing and giving pleasure, but kissing the feet can be a good place to start.


Michael has been Mary’s partner for some time, and they tended to greet each other without touching on meeting. Now Michael has discovered that Mary likes to have her feet kissed and touched and for him to kneel before her when he comes home, and to kiss her feet. He stays there at her feet until she tells him to rise, and whilst he is there all the cares of the day slip from him, as he knows where he is and what he is doing.

When she allows him to stand he knows he is truly home, and is free to serve and adore his partner. Sometime she lets him do the same thing in the morning before he goes to work. For her this is pleasure and fun; for him it is a profound and intimate action that shows he puts himself totally before her and that her pleasure is his priority first on arriving home.


This has the effect of freeing him for the evening ahead, and even if everything is mundane, that simple act of homage and pleasure has set the tone for their time together. He puts himself in her hands knowing that all will be well, and that he wants to do this, as a sign of his love for her. By accepting it and then getting him to rise and kiss her on the lips she shows her acceptance and love of him in all ways. Together for them this simple act is a celebration of intimacy even though it takes only a few seconds or a minute or two.

You might find it fun to kiss the feet of your partner and She might like it as well as long as you do not tickle her with your kisses. Give it a try!

Buy the books now!


RESTART INTIMACY A Unique Approach to Male Chastity (Intimacy and Male Chastity)



Re-Introduction to Intimacy: A Workbook for Couples: Part 1. Build the foundations making male chastity work for you


Re-Introduction to Intimacy:a Workbook for couples: Part 2: Learn the skills; Become Expert and Fulfilled

Re-Introduction to Intimacy: A Workbook for Couples (Re-Introduction to Intimacy A workbook for couples)


Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man: Part 1: Build the Foundations; making male chastity work for you


Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man: Part 2. Learn the skills : Become Expert and ready for Intimacy

Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man (Re-Introduction for the single man)


104 Kissing the hands

In the past a woman would not allow herself to be kissed on the lips except by the most intimate of friends or even only by her partner. Even kissing on the cheeks was unusual. Kissing the back of the hand was the preferred greeting. The man was expected to bend forward whilst the woman put out the hand to be kissed, and the man would then lightly brush the back of her hand with his lips.

This was a very formal type of greeting, and used in formal occasions still, when a diplomat who is to be presented to the Queen is said to be visiting to “kiss hands” even though it may be more often a handshake that is what actually happens.

Hand kissing has left the mainstream as a way of greeting, so it is now much more available as an intimate way to kiss your partner. There are just so many nerve endings and so many parts you can kiss, and it flows easily form holding hands to kissing hands to more intimate acts.

You can kiss the back of the hand, the tips of the fingers, the fingers and draw one into your mouth to touch with your tongue. You can kiss the palm of the hand or the inside of the wrist. All are possible and you can use them all to be intimate. A simple kiss on the hand can say so much, and be so intimate

Exercise: Hand kissing practice

This may seem a silly exercise, but it is the reason you are doing it, and how you do it that matters much more than what you actually do. You are doing it to discover how to give pleasure to your partner, and to find out what they like you to do, and how they want you to do it.

Sit close to each other and hold hands.

Look at each others hands in silence.

Now kiss your partners hand, holding your lips on the back of the hand for 10 seconds, brushing the tips of the fingers with your lips, kissing the palm , and kissing the inside of the wrist one after another, with a few seconds pause between each site. Now your partner does the same for you.

Afterwards you sit in silent reflection for at least a couple of minutes

Now the woman starts by asking the man what it felt like to have his hand kissed, which may be something that he has not experienced before. Then she described what it felt like for her, and asks what it felt like to do the kissing.


This will give both partners and idea of what it feels like and which parts of the hands are most sensitive to touch with the mouth, and further discussion and most importantly practice will allow hand kissing to become yet another way for the couple to be intimate together.