122 Restart Intimacy – You Can Have a Better Life

My aim in writing my book Restart Intimacy was to introduce the whole idea and practice of restarting intimacy to a wider audience so that more people can discover for themselves how to make a relationship better than it is already.

I know the approach works, for I have seen it work with individuals and couples, but I also know that it does not work for everyone. No single approach works for everybody so this is not surprising. But for those who wish to take on the adventure and will be prepared to put in the effort and to work through the difficult times the future can be bright and intimate.

My advice to anyone who has clicked onto these blog posts is to get the book so you can see the whole picture of how to restart intimacy in your life. Talk about it with your partner, share together what I have written and give it a try. If you want advice or help, or simply someone to talk to about it, I and my colleagues are available as are other coaches and advisors to help you realize the total potential of your relationship.

I think you will find that once you embark on this adventure there will be no turning back, no half measures and you will change yourself, your partner and the way you live and love together for the better and for the enjoyment of both.

So do you dare accept that things are not perfect in your life?

Do you have the guts to change?

Do you really want to put intimacy at the center of your relationship?

Do you care for your partner enough to be lead by Her?

Are you prepared to make changes in the way you live and to learn new skills?

If the answers to these questions is Yes then you need to get my book, enroll in the “Re-Introduction to Intimacy” course, and start on the process of change!

You can do it!

If you need help and a mentor or external supervisor I can help put you in touch with someone who will be able to help you (contact the author, Sierra Parker, here).

This external help can be useful for couples and is really needed for men who seek a relationship but do not have a partner.

Buy the book Restart Intimacy!

Enroll in the Re-Introduction to Intimacy course!

Get your skates on and change NOW!

restartRESTART INTIMACY A Unique Approach to Male Chastity (Intimacy and Male Chastity)

Kindle: RESTART INTIMACY A Unique Approach to Male Chastity: Let’s Get Started!! (Intimacy and Male Chastity)


Paperback: RESTART INTIMACY A Unique Approach to Male Chastity: Let’s Get Started!! (Intimacy and Male Chastity)


wb1Re-Introduction to Intimacy: A Workbook for Couples: Part 1. Build the foundations making male chastity work for you


wb2Re-Introduction to Intimacy:a Workbook for couples: Part 2: Learn the skills; Become Expert and Fulfilled


Re-Introduction to Intimacy: A Workbook for Couples (Re-Introduction to Intimacy A workbook for couples)


swb1Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man: Part 1: Build the Foundations; making male chastity work for you


swb2Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man: Part 2. Learn the skills : Become Expert and ready for Intimacy


Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man (Re-Introduction for the single man)


The Restart Intimacy Store

For lots of great intimate toys, click on this banner to the Restart Intimacy Store!

120 Intimacy in Your Relationships — The Adventure Continues

If you have read these blog posts from the beginning (and I would urge you to do so), you will now be aware of the process of restarting intimacy which I support, and which I have used for some time now to help couples who want to increase intimacy in a stale but otherwise OK relationship, and to assist men who are seeking an intimate and satisfying relationship to prepare themselves for this and to learn the skills of mindfulness and those practical skills which will be useful with potential partners.

The restart process suggests the need for change in established relationships, and particularly that both partners should want change. I have shown how so often the problems that beset relationships come from neither side fully understanding the other, neither realizing the needs, desires, and aspirations of the other.

It is clear that many men have learned behaviors that do not help, and may be dependent upon masturbation and the use of pornographic images. Most women do not realize how limited the understanding is of the men who are trying to please them, and that these men do have major learning needs which can be addressed.

By the use of a “fresh start” helped by using male chastity, and with the desire of both partners to communicate and express their needs and desires, and to help each other together to move forward much can be achieved. As in everything in life this all depends on how much effort you put into it, and certainly a man who is locked up in male chastity will put in an enormous amount of effort to please his partner, just as a result of his arousal and frustration.

Although these blog posts provide information which may be useful in leading to increased intimacy, the exercises are the most potent tool to achieve this. Working together doing the exercises draws a couple together, makes them take time to communicate, and allows them space to learn from each other and to plan how to bring in change.

I have incorporated a wide range of information into the text, particularly in the third part of the book, and this is all designed to give a range of options that can be considered when looking at how to bring intimacy into the center of life and of the relationship. There is no need to try everything in the text, but it is always useful to think widely before deciding on a specific area to introduce into your lives. You make the decisions and then act; you will get the gain and the pleasure.

Entering the adventure of a restart of intimacy is a gamble, for you can never know where it might lead, or how it might work out. If you keep yourself closed up you will never experience anything new, but if you are open with each other some things may not work out well, and others be wonderful. It is the bond that holds you both together that allows you to weather the storms when things go wrong, or do not work out as you might wish. It is the fact that you have already built a strong relationship which allows you to reach out to each other and to make it even better.

The beginning of these posts can be found at https://sierraparker.wordpress.com/2014/05/18/1-restart-intimacy-2/

For a limited time, the Restart Intimacy Kindle book is on sale for $3.99!

restartRESTART INTIMACY A Unique Approach to Male Chastity (Intimacy and Male Chastity)




Re-Introduction to Intimacy: A Workbook for Couples: Part 1. Build the foundations making male chastity work for you


Re-Introduction to Intimacy:a Workbook for couples: Part 2: Learn the skills; Become Expert and Fulfilled

Re-Introduction to Intimacy: A Workbook for Couples (Re-Introduction to Intimacy A workbook for couples)


Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man: Part 1: Build the Foundations; making male chastity work for you


Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man: Part 2. Learn the skills : Become Expert and ready for Intimacy

Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man (Re-Introduction for the single man)

The Restart Intimacy Store

For lots of great intimate toys, click on this banner to the Restart Intimacy Store!

119 Preparation for Intimacy for the Single Man

Restart yourself to prepare to find intimacy

In these blog posts I have attempted to show a way in which intimacy can be increased in a relationship, and a change can be made to an intimacy focused life. Many men complain of not having enough sex with their partners, and the partners complain of there being inadequate intimacy in their relationship.

Some of this is due to previous experiences which have lead to behaviors which do not support intimacy in the relationship. For the man this is most often a reliance on media stereotypes of what they think they should be doing and how sex should be for themselves with a concentration on ejaculation and orgasm for them. Frequent masturbation and reliance on pornography may have fixed these behaviors in place and reduced the chances of the man showing intimacy in other ways.

Many men truly have little experience in all the ways in which they can share intimacy with their partner, and how little mundane things such as taking out the trash or providing foot massage can become vehicles for showing love and caring and a way to share intimacy. For many women sexual pleasure has only come from clitoral stimulation, and masturbation, and they have had little pleasure or orgasms from penetrative sex. They may not have realized how little this is understood by most men, who also have little experience of how to be intimate in other ways than through penetrative sex. They may also not know how poorly most men understand their needs for intimacy in all its forms and their desire for it.

This lack of knowledge and communication often leads to issues in a relationship, where neither understands what are the needs, desires, and aspirations of the other.

For the single man who seeks intimacy and a relationship these factors mean that he is so often completely out of his depth. He may have little idea of even how to begin.

Any increase in intimacy in a relationship has to start where the people are already and their understanding of what increases or prevents intimacy. This is challenging stuff, for most of us do not want to delve to deep into our past successes or failures, or see where we have failed to deliver in a relationship. No matter what you find here this is all the past, and the object of these blogs and the whole process of reintroduction to intimacy is to have a fresh start.

The two pillars of this process are that the male should embrace male chastity and that both should be mindful of each other. Male chastity is the freely accepted practice where the man gives up the ability to pleasure himself, to masturbate and to play with his private parts, and he hands over the ultimate control of these parts to someone else. This frequently leads to him wearing a chastity device to which his partner, a friend, or a professional coach holds the key. The object of this is to allow the man to stop all previous behaviors, and to be in a position where he can start again.

This is the stop signal which energizes him to change. He can only do it and make use of it if he wants to change, but it is there to help him. He is not prevented from having sex, only the control of it is not in his hands.

If he takes this step he will be cutting himself off from the use of masturbation and pornography as an aid to ejaculation, and will be dependent on what happens in the real world and not the one of his fantasies. This brings him fully into the whole word and acts as a stimulus to learning how he can please a potential partner and to go and find one.

If he then applies the principles of being mindful of the needs, desires, and aspirations of anyone he meets, and he learns to really listen to them, and show his interest by the way he treats them he will have a greater chance of finding someone interested in him. It is surprising how many women report that the people they meet at work, and in social gatherings are only interested in one thing, and that is themselves. Of course they are also interested in one other thing, which is getting to know someone so they can have sex with them, but their technique for reaching this point is woeful.

If all the women can say is that the men are only interested in themselves, their work, their car, their hobbies , then such men are not listening to the women but just talking at them. If a woman finds a man who will listen to her as a person, and show interest in her hobbies and interests, and who will treat her as an equal then she will be likely to want them as her friend. This can lead to platonic friendship, but can also lead to more intimate meeting and the development of a relationship.

For a man to be able to embrace male chastity and mindfulness may be more than he can do on his own, and help may be needed. This can come from a friend who can act as a key holder, or there are professionals, often from within the BDSM community who offer key holding services on the internet. Such people are rarely trained to work and mentor outside the kink community, and a man seeking a relationship who is interested in using male chastity as a method to help him may not want to go down this path.

An alternative way is to seek the assistance of a trained counselor, or coach, but few of them use male chastity as part of their system of assistance and might not feel happy acting as key holder for someone who is trying the effects of male chastity in their life.

This is something I have been doing for several years now. I can point you in the direction of someone who can act as a mentor and an external supervisor for the whole process of restarting Intimacy. Contact the author, Sierra Parker, by clicking here.

This assistance is often essential to getting a man well on the path of restarting intimacy and established in male chastity and learning how to be mindful.

Once the man has established himself on the program he can learn skills among those described in the later blogs which will aid him in his search for a companion and prevent him frightening people away.

If he learns how to make sure he is well groomed, clean and tidy and has clean hands, tidy nails, and no bad breath this will mean that women will not be repelled by him.

If he stands straight and does not slouch and looks at the person he is speaking to he will appear to be attentive.

If he has the opportunity to take a woman for a ride in his car and it is tidy and clean she may be pleasantly surprised. If she enters the place he lives and it is clean and tidy, and he can offer her a drink and serve it to her nicely she will be very surprised.

If he goes on a date and brings her flowers or a small present she will be impressed.

If he goes to her place and she provides a meal he can offer to help or to help wash up. If they go out together he can pay for the meal.

All of these are sufficiently rare that a woman will notice, and this will have the effect of making a relationship much more likely.

These are simple skills. More difficult is the need to be ever mindful of the person you are talking to, and to be fully mindful so you can see them, compliment them on how wonderful they look, and above all listen to them and be mindful.

For a woman to find a man who listens to her, and is prepared to be silent and not to push into the conversation or only want to talk about his hobbies and interests is rare. Learning the skills of being silent, and of really listening with the whole of your mind and body, so the other realizes that you are is an extremely important skill.

Be ever mindful of who you are with. Watch them for non verbal cues, listen to what they are saying, and be mindful that to have a relationship with them you need to be mindful of all their needs, desires, and aspirations. Learn to do this and you will get the reputation of being a “good listener” and get to know people as people, and this is a very intimate situation, even if there are no sexual overtones.

Learning a skill, whether it is the skill of making sure your place is tidy and you can make a drink and serve it nicely, or learning to cook and clean so you can offer help or provide a meal will impress.

Consider learning how to do foot massage. You can learn from books, and practice on yourself, or on your friends, but many women will treasure someone who can massage away the pains from their tired feet at the end of a busy day, and this can always led on to greater intimacy and a relationship if both of you wish it.

Always go slowly, looking for cues, and never be pushy. This will drive anyone away, and if you read it wrong you could be out on your ear after a botched attempt to kiss or touch which is seen as inappropriate. You will get a bad reputation if you are pushy, but be seen as “sweet or nice” if you take it slowly, which is what most woman want.

There is much to learn for even the single man. All the approaches which may lead to your forming a relationship can be aided by learning skills, and the way you listen and approach someone.

If you have realized that you have had problems with relationships in the past, and the factors that affect you in the way you try to form and keep relationships and either help or hinder, you will have made a good start. If you learn the practice of mindfulness, and use the process of male chastity to help wean you from masturbation and dependence on fantasy and pornography you will start to operate in the real world.

If you make the most of the learning opportunities to learn simple skills and behaviors that will show you as “reasonable” and someone who will listen this will make you more able to form and sustain relationships. Even if you do not immediately meet someone and embark on an intimate relationship you will get on better with your friends and the people you work with.

By looking more focused, cleaner and tidier and communicating better you will do better at work and since it is there you may find yourself seeing lot of people you will form good relationships even in the work world. As we all spend most of our time in work, and less outside of work, work relationships have the potential to become more and more important. Intimate relationships often start at work and go on from there, so your behavior with colleagues may be the key to getting on at work and making satisfying intimate relationships as well, possibly with the same people.

The possibilities for improvement are there no matter what may have gone wrong with relationships in the past, or even the lack of them and of experience. Simple steps, taken day after day, allow change to occur, and after making use of the resources of this book or the course, and with the aid of friends or professional coaches most men can improve their chances of making and sustaining intimate relationships, and satisfying a woman.

Restart intimacy gives a model which you can use, with assistance to change your lives and make intimate relationships a reality. You can learn how to please a woman, and this will lead to your pleasure in return You can make intimacy more likely in your life by the way you behave and interact.

Restarting intimacy is a method which works but it does require self honesty and work. Put at its most simple the message is:

  • Start to live in the real world with real people and cast away fantasy and fiction
  • Be mindful of anyone with whom you interact
  • Learn skills to impress and make sure you know what you are doing
  • Listen to what is being said in words and actions and gestures
  • Do not be pushy but respond to others overtures to you
  • Listen to her
  • Listen to her
  • Listen to HER, for she is showing you what she wants and how she wants it.

You can learn to satisfy another and their needs, their desires, and their aspirations.

But you can only do so by being mindful and taking the time and effort. You can change, and that change will liberate you to be able to form and sustain intimate relationships which lead to satisfaction for you and a partner.

restartRESTART INTIMACY A Unique Approach to Male Chastity (Intimacy and Male Chastity)

Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/RESTART-INTIMACY-Approach-Chastity-Intimacy-ebook/dp/B00GUDSXXC/

Paperback:  http://www.amazon.com/RESTART-INTIMACY-Unique-Approach-Chastity/dp/1493696319/


wb1Re-Introduction to Intimacy: A Workbook for Couples: Part 1. Build the foundations making male chastity work for you


wb2Re-Introduction to Intimacy:a Workbook for couples: Part 2: Learn the skills; Become Expert and Fulfilled


Re-Introduction to Intimacy: A Workbook for Couples (Re-Introduction to Intimacy A workbook for couples)


swb1Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man: Part 1: Build the Foundations; making male chastity work for you


swb2Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man: Part 2. Learn the skills : Become Expert and ready for Intimacy


Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man (Re-Introduction for the single man)


The Restart Intimacy Store

For lots of great intimate toys, click on this banner to the Restart Intimacy Store!

66 Behaviors in Private

For many couples who are in a relationship the space they inhabit is not totally private. One or both of them may be in flat which they share with others, or if partners, they may share their space with others, including relatives and children.

This means that there is a limitation to what can be done in the home when it is not private, and some things will require private space and time. This certainly applies to much of the intimate private mutual grooming covered in the previous post.

However it is very important that partners do find time and opportunity to be private together, and to have somewhere they can be on their own. If there are children around this may mean that it has to be at times when they are out of the house, or after they have gone to bed, but it is always possible to find time and place if you really want to do it. If you are serious about restarting intimacy in your relationship then you will do this, and reap the benefits.

Once you are in private together you need to be guided by your partner. This is the situation where being pushy, or going too fast may be utterly wrong. You need to be mindful of your partner, and to concentrate on them. Make sure that you are in private together, and make sure you have switched off your mobile phone, turned off the television, and stopped thinking of work and other distractions, and focus and be mindful on your partner.

Private time together will give you the opportunity to grow in intimacy together so make sure you make time for each other.

If you are a man without a partner you need to realize that if you are in private with someone whom you want to form a relationship, the most important thing is not to be pushy. Identify what they want and do it. Be guided and do not push things. Otherwise the relationship may fall apart immediately. Take your time.

59 Some areas to be covered next

If you make the changes described so far in the way you live, you can begin to look at how to bring intimacy into every area of your lives.

There will be things to change and skills to learn. In the next series of posts, I will show you how to bring intimacy into your life.

 These include:

  • Skills for Intimacy
  • Intimacy Exercises
  • The use of an intimacy diary
  • Grooming and self presentation and intimacy
  • Intimacy in private
  • Intimacy in the home
  • Intimacy in the way you behave in public

In each chapter of the book and each module of the course you will be introduced to lots of different ways to increase intimacy evening the most mundane activities.

It is all based on open discussion and good communication, mindfulness and wanting to make a change for each other.

These posts will give you a taste of what is there and point you in directions you may not have considered to be involved in intimacy.

Even talking out the trash so your partner knows it is always going to be done is an intimate act and reduces tension and gives time for more time together.

And there is more!

57 What comes next?

If you are really serious about changing your life to allow you to restart intimacy using the approach I recommend, you will need to use the structures and exercises given in the  Restart Intimacy book and the Reintroduction to Intimacy course.

These are there to help you develop the foundations on which to build your new life together. In the second half of the book and in the second volume of the course, there are examples of how you can build intimacy at the core of your life with your partner.

In the next part of this course I have provided notes and hints on some practical ways in which both partners in a relationship can prepare themselves for each other, ways through which they can give pleasure to each other, and ways in which they can gain pleasure together.

These are accompanied by some suggestions for ways in which these can be made possible, and exercises which you can use to help in discussions of intimate activities which otherwise you might find some problems in expressing.

All of these assume that you may already be using the approach of male chastity, which frees the imagination of both to consider new ways to please the other, and where the man in his chastity needs pleasure and benefits even if he remains locked up and cannot reach an orgasm as before.

All of them assume that you are aware of all that I have written on the subject of mindfulness in this section and build upon its use to draw the two together.

Some require more time, training, and skill, but all have proved possible and given pleasure to my clients and friends.

The overall aim of any relationship is to progress to deeper knowledge at all levels for the one of their partner, and deeper and more fulfilling pleasure and intimacy at all levels.

This is also the aim of these posts and of my life as a coach for individuals and couples.

There will be forthcoming posts which will look at intimacy in all areas of life and how to make everything an opportunity for intimacy .

“It is all so much fun” as one of my clients said recently, describing how he and his partner had made changes to the way they did things, from simple changes in the division of tasks in the home, and a man who was now so engaged with the needs of his partner and in spoiling her, giving her flowers, foot massage and doing things for her, and a woman who was basking in his attention and care. Now sex was better than it had ever been in over 30 years of marriage.

“Why did we not do this sort of thing before? Only because never knew it could be done, or thought it could be so good in so many, many ways.”

Buy the books NOW!

restartRESTART INTIMACY A Unique Approach to Male Chastity (Intimacy and Male Chastity)



wb1Re-Introduction to Intimacy: A Workbook for Couples: Part 1. Build the foundations making male chastity work for you


wb2Re-Introduction to Intimacy:a Workbook for couples: Part 2: Learn the skills; Become Expert and Fulfilled


Re-Introduction to Intimacy: A Workbook for Couples (Re-Introduction to Intimacy A workbook for couples)



swb1Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man: Part 1: Build the Foundations; making male chastity work for you


swb2Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man: Part 2. Learn the skills : Become Expert and ready for Intimacy


Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man (Re-Introduction for the single man)


The Restart Intimacy Store

For lots of great intimate toys, click on this banner to the Restart Intimacy Store!

55 Dare to put it together

By the time you reach this stage in this series of posts, you will have identified factors that help and which hinder the development of intimacy. This will have allowed you to look at yourself and to see where things might have been done better in the past, and areas for improvement in the future.

You will ideally have identified that you do want to change, and that you need to do so. As a couple this has the potential to change the way you behave, and allow you both to develop a deep and intimate relationship.

In several of the posts I described the process of embracing “male chastity” to allow this change to occur. The whole idea of the approach is for the man to voluntarily renounce control over his most private parts, and to place himself into the hands and under the control of his partner. This is an exercise in trust and shows that he is serious about change and prepared to do almost anything to get there.

As he enters the condition of male chastity he is not seeking to stop all sex or sexual expression rather to curtail his options so he can concentrate on his partner, and his handing over this control is a massive vote of confidence in her. If he did not believe that she has his best interests and pleasure at heart he would not do this.

He will experience the shock of the change, which brings a stop to all personal masturbation and playing with himself. Now he is dependent upon his partner to allow him release. This causes arousal, and desire, and keeps him on his toes to please his partner, and to make sure she has pleasure so he will receive the same from her. It is an exchange of power with the woman becoming empowered by this action which may allow her to see him in a new light.

Male chastity on its own is limited in effect, though the changes in attitude and behavior for the man may be significant. More important is that he becomes fully mindful of his partner, and that she becomes mindful of him in like manner.

Being mindful is a process and an approach which means that both partners become able to be themselves and to have the courage to discuss issues they may never have been able to do before. It is a living in the present, alert, and focused on the other, not a narrow focus, but open to everything about them.

All the chapters in the book and sections in the course are full of exercises for the couple to do together, and to use to aid their discussions and the process of becoming open to each other, in a way which is not threatening but cooperative and enables them to change and develop.

If you have a partner who sees you as you are, and with whom you can be open and with whom whatever you say will be accepted and not lead to rejection this is so powerful. It makes both of the individuals able to communicate and to develop a deep and intimate relationship between them.

This is a deep psychological and mental bond which allows them to become closer and closer to each other. It allows them to be intimate and sharing, and this gives them strength together.

The process of being mindful looks at the whole person, using all of the senses, and concentrates on reality not fantasy. This is all to do with the real world, real pleasures and problems and working together to make things better.

Everyone has a need to be accepted, and to know that they will not be rejected whatever they say. Everyone has needs, whether simple physical needs or more complex psychological needs.

Everyone has desires and aspirations, and all of these levels of being need to be considered to be part of the whole picture.

When I am mindful of something I look at the whole picture as well as the detail.

When I am mindful of someone I see them in their full glory, a person to listen to and to care for, and the need to consider their needs, desires and aspirations.

By practicing mindfulness with your partner you are opening the doors to a deeper and more satisfying relationship.

Because this is combined with the tremendous gift of male chastity given by the man to the woman, and the increased importance of everything about the woman to the man, just as in the time of courtship, this allow the woman the freedom and power to express herself and to be open about her needs to her partner. She already knows that one of his major needs now he has been locked away is for release, and she both controls this and is able to give this as her gift to him.

The combination of the STOP signal of male in chastity, and the GO signal of her response to him takes them both forward to pleasure and sharing. The practice of mindfulness and the use of the exercises help this and to help to draw both of them together for this journey.

54 What have you done so far?

If you have been reading these posts in order, you will have gained an idea of what re-introducing intimacy may involve for you.

Are you someone who just reads stuff and then does nothing? In that case, you will have found some fascinating ideas about being mindful to your partner, noticing the world around you, and some ideas on the use of male chastity to increase focus and help someone change.

Are you someone who really wants to change yourself and to make your relationships more intimate, or even just to learn how to go about finding and keeping intimate relationships?

If this is you, these posts are not enough. You need more information on what is involved and how to act to change. This is where the  Restart Intimacy book  comes in and the Reintroduction to Intimacy course.

These posts are here to give you a flavor and to introduce the ideas that are expounded more fully in the book and the course.

Even with the posts, there are exercises you can try which may tell you more than you had expected about you and your relationship with your partner and lead you both further into embracing intimacy.

Now is the time to decide that you want to move forward! You are not on your own. Your partner can help, and whether you have a partner or not, there is outside assistance which can help you get started and assist when there are issues along the way.

Sierra Parker who is the author of the book and the inventor of the course can put you in touch with people who can help you (click here to send email to Sierra Parker).

Now is the time to be brave and move forward!

restartRESTART INTIMACY A Unique Approach to Male Chastity (Intimacy and Male Chastity)



wb1Re-Introduction to Intimacy: A Workbook for Couples: Part 1. Build the foundations making male chastity work for you


wb2Re-Introduction to Intimacy:a Workbook for couples: Part 2: Learn the skills; Become Expert and Fulfilled


Re-Introduction to Intimacy: A Workbook for Couples (Re-Introduction to Intimacy A workbook for couples)



swb1Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man: Part 1: Build the Foundations; making male chastity work for you


swb2Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man: Part 2. Learn the skills : Become Expert and ready for Intimacy


Re-Introduction to Intimacy: a Workbook for the Single Man (Re-Introduction for the single man)


The Restart Intimacy Store

For lots of great intimate toys, click on this banner to the Restart Intimacy Store!

53 How can you demonstrate that you are being mindful?

If you have been using the exercises in this blog, you will have been making use of the concept of mindfulness as you go along, and both of you will already know that mindfulness works for you and has already made change possible and enhanced the intimacy and depth of your relationship. Here are some simple ways in which you can enhance this, and which you need to consider as a discipline that will work for you.

Show her you have listened and heard what she has said

  • If she has moaned that the trash needs to go out, just get on and do it
  • If she is unhappy about doing all the housework whilst you laze about, do your share
  • If she has a suggestion you both like, take her up on it

Show her you care for her

  • Listen when she is speaking
  • Make sure you find out how her day has been when you get in before telling of your own
  • Bring her flowers
  • Find opportunity to spoil her
  • Do little things but often, not just birthdays and Valentine’s day
  • Give her a cuddle and hold her hand because you value her and you mean it

Show her you will do what you say you will do

  • If you say you will do something do it, and continue doing it every day, not needing nagging to remind you
  • If you say you will clear out the garage, work out when you can do it and then do it properly
  • If you say you will get take out food or take her out to dinner, do not forget it

Show her that you are changing

  • Make the changes you both agree

Show her you are prepared for change

  • Agree at least something to change what you even if it is only taking out the trash or leaving your stuff tidy.
  • Agree changes that you can do.
  • Realize that she will be so pleased to see you show you are serious about this

You can change and the practice of mindfulness in the context of a restart to intimacy or reintroduction to intimacy means that you have reset the clock on your relationship to allow you to start again form the beginning.

These examples and exercises are all taken from the  Restart Intimacy book or the Reintroduction to Intimacy course by Sierra Parker.

If you are really serious about wanting to change you will need to buy the book and study it. You will need a supervisor who can be your partner for when you introduce male chastity into the relationship. When you agree changes at home and in the way you behave your supervisor will agree to these with you and hold you to them. That is why male chastity works so well as a motivator and an aid in this process as it raises the cost of failure too high to consider and keeps the man up to the mark and focused.

Even here there is often need for outside help and Sierra Parker can put you in touch with someone who is experienced in the use of these methods and this process who can help a couple and assist them  (click here to send email to Sierra Parker).

If you are on your own then an external supervisor is essential as otherwise you will not be able to move forward and are at risk of shying away from difficult issues even when you know you need to change. Sierra Parker can help here and has a group of trained external supervisors who can act as key holder for chastity as well.

Do you have the nerve to try to change; this system works to make it possible!

52 There are always risks when you open yourself to another

I cannot say that there are no risks to this process. It is designed to enhance intimacy and closeness, but it can raise issues which are difficult to handle. The whole process of a restart of intimacy requires both partners to want to change, and to be prepared to make changes.

All of the factors that both enhance and limit intimacy are important, but a fear of rejection and failure and a lack of experience with successful deep intimate relationships in the past, can act as a bar to progress.

The whole process of restarting to intimacy starts with both partners accepting themselves and their need for change as individuals, and then working together to make this happen. This needs them to be themselves, to be open and vulnerable to each other, to be prepared, and to be prepared for the discipline of change and to make it fixed in behavior.

None of this is easy but it can be done, and a man who has embraced voluntary male chastity has demonstrated that he wants to change and will change.

Courage is needed to start, but a couple where the pair has decided to make the jump into the restart of intimacy approach have already demonstrated that they have courage.

If either is disengaged it will not work, and this is a worse situation than where there are active issues and problems but a desire to engage with each other.

  • Have courage
  • Be prepared that everything may not work out perfect first time
  • Be prepared for setbacks on the way
  • Be prepared to be open to each other and to concentrate on the other
  • Be cheered by the successes along the way
  • Know that this is a process and a journey and that a journey takes time and takes work
  • Remember that the goal is for deeper intimacy and pleasure for both
  • Keep your eye on the goal
  • Be always mindful of the other, use all visual clues listen, explore together, and be ever mindful of the other.


Mindfulness refers to a psychological quality that:

  • involves bringing one’s complete attention to the present experience on a moment-to-moment basis,
  • or involves paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non judgmentally,
  • or involves a kind of present-centered awareness in which each thought, feeling, or sensation that arises is acknowledged and accepted as it is.

So be mindful the one of the other and you will succeed because you will work to make sure it is so. By being mindful of each other you will grow in intimacy and have fun as well.